We’re tired of reading in local media that the candidates “all agree about the issues.” We know there are significant differences among them about their understanding of Single Payer, their concerns, commitment to advancing legislation, and so forth. So we invited them to take a deeper dive by responding to our questionnaire. We’ve just posted responses to the Candidates Single Payer Survey. See what candidates in your district
are thinking about Medicare for All and what they say they will do if elected.
And speaking of election, only one incumbent legislator responded to our survey, though we invited all the incumbents along with challengers across the Pioneer Valley. Thank you, Rep. Paul Mark.
Heath care costs dominate the state budget and impact revenue available to meet other critical needs in the Commonwealth. Health care is increasingly unaffordable for many residents, towns, and school districts. Premiums and deductibles continue to climb. If our state legislators are serious about addressing the pressing needs of Mass., their understanding and commitment to a Single Payer system is pivotal.
So read what they have to say, follow-up with them about their responses, ask questions at the candidate forums, pose similar questions to candidates who did not respond to the survey. And be sure to vote on Sept. 4th!
For an accurate and updated schedule of upcoming candidate forums, check out 413 Staying Connected.