We have’t posted to this blog in a while and that’s mostly because we’ve been busy working on a lot of other stuff! Western Mass. Medicare for All is a volunteer operation and we can’t always keep up with it all.
We’ve been hosting trainings about the Mass. M4A bill, presenting educational programs, and tabling at public events in Berkshire, Hampshire and Hampden counties. WMM4A folks have also been participating in meetings with the M4A Legislative Caucus and helping to form a Health Care Committee of the new Area Labor Federation. Several folks recently attended the national Single Payer Conference in Portland, Oregon.
Meanwhile, our Easthampton hub has been working hard on a Medicare for All resolution in their city. Please come out to the Council meetings in Easthampton on Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 to support the Easthampton Single Payer Resolution! (See details on our Events page. )
You may also notice something new here on our website – our new WMM4A logo! We worked with a local designer to create a visual image that expresses who we are. The mountains symbolize Western Mass. as well as the strength and solidity of our movement. The overlapping green and green-blue colors symbolize unity, growth and health. Some of you may have also noticed that the shape of the mountains echo the “M” and “A” in Medicare for All.
We’ll try to write more blog posts soon. But meanwhile, we’d love to hear from YOU. Do you have a health care story that you would like to share with others? Send us your ideas: info@wmMedicareforall.org.