Eleven of 24 Springfield area candidates in the upcoming elections support “An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Mass.”- legislation that would establish Single Payer healthcare in the Commonwealth. The Springfield Area hub of Western Mass. Medicare for All asked Hampden County candidates for state office in the September primaries to pledge to co-sponsor the bill.
This scorecard shows the candidate responses in contested races:

The legislation, which currently has 62 sponsors in the House and 39 in the Senate, can be read at https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/HD2974 and https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/SD2062.
Denise Hurst, Sean Mullan, and Orlando Ramos – all three candidates for the open seat in the 9th Hampden Representative District – pledged to co-sponsor the legislation when it is reintroduced in the next legislative session. Current Representative José Tosado, who is stepping down, is a co-sponsor of the current bill.
Pat Duffy pledged to co-sponsor in the 5th Hampden Representative District. Current Representative Aaron Vega, who is stepping down, is a co-sponsor and member of the legislature’s Medicare for All Caucus.
Jake Oliveira pledged to co-sponsor in the 7th Hampden Representative District. Current Representative Tom Petrolati, who is stepping down, is not a co-sponsor.
Kerri O’Connor in the 3rd Hampden Rep District and Adam Gomez in the Hampden Senate District pledged to co-sponsor and are challenging incumbents who are not co-sponsors.
Incumbent Representatives Carlos Gonzalez (10th Hampden), Bud Williams (11th Hampden), and Brian Ashe (2nd Hampden) along with Senator Eric Lesser (1st Hampden and Hampshire) are co-sponsors of the legislation.
Rep. Angelo Puppolo Jr (12th Hampden), not a co-sponsor, will meet with the Springfield Area Medicare for All group in September. David Bartley (5th Hampden candidate) is “not prepared to endorse.” Chip Harrington (7th Hampden candidate) pledged “to keep an open mind about the act.”
The following incumbent legislators, none of whom co-sponsor the legislation, did not reply to the survey: Rep. Todd Smola (1st Hampden), Rep. Nicholas Boldyga (3rd Hampden), Rep. Michael Finn (6th Hampden), Rep. Joseph Wagner (8th Hampden), Sen. James Welch (Hampden), and Sen. John Velis (2nd Hampden and Hampshire). The following other candidates also did not reply: Prince Golphin Jr (11th Hampden), Dino Mercadante (3rd Hampden), Patrick Beaudry (5th Hampden), and John Cain (2nd Hampden and Hampshire Senate).