Strong Statehouse Leadership for M4A
Sabadosa and Comerford out in front

Continue reading “Question 4 Wins Big!
Strong message for Western Mass reps“
Last April and May, I joined with members of Western Mass Medicare for All to collect signatures to get a non-binding referendum on the November ballot giving voters the opportunity to weigh in on the question of whether they would support single-payer health care in Massachusetts. Getting people to sign my petition was the easiest sell I’ve ever made. Those I spoke with were fed up with rising health care costs and fearful that the stripping away of the Affordable Care Act was going to further erode their access to health care.
Continue reading “Why Question 4 Matters
Commentary by Sara Weinberger“
Continue reading “Vote “YES” on Question #4
Single Payer on the ballot!“
Western Mass. Medicare for All (WMM4A) is pleased that an energetic primary season has now culminated in victory for several strong Medicare for All supporters almost certain to be elected to office on Nov. 6th. Single Payer healthcare was a key issue in the primary for many candidates and voters, discussed at public forums, and reported in the media.
Most of the candidates running for state office in Franklin and Hampshire counties responded to WMM4A’s Candidates Single Payer Survey. Winning candidates who responded include Natalie Blais, Jo Comerford, Mindy Domb, Paul Mark, and Lindsay Sabadosa. Their responses were thoughtful, with consideration for how we can actually implement a Single Payer system in Mass. All of these candidates agreed, if elected, to help initiate and participate in a Single Payer Legislative Caucus. Such a caucus will provide a forum for in-depth discussion and advocacy on this issue in the Statehouse. Continue reading “A stronger Single Payer delegation
Western Mass. can take the lead“
We’re tired of reading in local media that the candidates “all agree about the issues.” We know there are significant differences among them about their understanding of Single Payer, their concerns, commitment to advancing legislation, and so forth. So we invited them to take a deeper dive by responding to our questionnaire. We’ve just posted responses to the Candidates Single Payer Survey. See what candidates in your district
Continue reading “WMM4A Surveys the Candidates
A deeper dive into Medicare for All“